
Lesson-study "conditions of floating bodies"

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Ulyanovsk "Secondary school No. 75" Creative work "Archimedes' Law. Floating bodies" Completed by: 7B grade student Diana Simendeeva Supervisor: physics teacher Galina Zakharova...

I'm gaining a lot of weight

Reading time: 9 min One of the most enjoyable moments in the process of losing weight is seeing the desired numbers on the scales. But what to do if your weight has increased for almost no reason? The main thing is not to panic. After all, this can be very simple...

Are you welcome or are men not allowed?

School of rhythmic gymnastics: large hall for classes; professional equipment – ​​Gymnova; all necessary tools: clubs, ribbons, balls, rolling pins, etc.; lighting; the ability to use musical accompaniment. Football school:...

Free download Guyton A

Title: Medical physiology Guyton A., Hall J. Year of publication: 2008 Size: 121.99 MB Format: djvu Language: Russian "Medical Physiology", ed., Guyton A.K., et al., covers the main points necessary for understanding the course of normal... .

Linguistics Olympiads

The most popular competition is the game competition “Russian Bear Cub - Linguistics for Everyone”, it is held every year in November on the same day throughout Russia (and now also in 20 other countries) for schoolchildren in grades 2-11. To participants...